
Textbook, Volumes 1 and 2

Volume 1: Textbook of the Russian language for foreign students (elementary level). - 1st ed. - Moscow: Russian Language Center of Moscow State University, 2020. - 236 p.

Reviewer: E.G. Kovaleva
Illustrations: M.G. Zhzhenov
Layout: M.G. Zhenov

Volume 2: Textbook of the Russian language for foreign students (elementary level). - 1st ed. - Moscow: Russian Language Center of Moscow State University, 2021. - 253 p.

Reviewer: E.G. Kovaleva
Illustrations: M.G. Zhzhenov
Layout: M.G. Zhenov
Proofreader: N.A. Shtyrkova

This textbook is intended for adult students who are beginning to learn Russian as a foreign language. The first volume of the textbook includes 18 lessons and keys. The second volume of the textbook includes 17 lessons and keys.
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